Monday, January 25, 2010

Missouri Drivers License Tourist Country Is It Illegal To Make A Photo Copy Of Someone's Drivers License In Missouri?

Is it Illegal to make a photo copy of someone's Drivers License in Missouri? - missouri drivers license tourist country

I currently am the head of security at a plant in Missouri that requires the company, we work our way to make a copy of the license to drive trucks when they come. Lately, they say, it is illegal for us to do. I just want to know whether it is actually illegal and if someone is no law on the subject to be found on our cabin Guard. I searched everywhere. Thank you in advance.


  1. Put the burden on them. Write a letter explaining why you copies of licenses. Ehrlich explained that his practice, if the source for his assertion that it is illegal will continue to lend.

    Why you should do all the work?

  2. Make a copy of it is not illegal, the use of the copy is made to you, what defines the legal facts.

    Make a copy for your records is acceptable to provide such records to be kept safe ....

  3. With the local courthouse. The worker must be able to give you the skinny.

    There is no law that, in the sense that prevented him from keeping a file is its current, up to date, driver's license on file.

  4. It is definitely legal. Anyone can copy your license if you let it. The Smoke Shop are also local copies, so you can prove that all sales are for adults, when these are reviewed later.

  5. Yes, add a stick of big catfish, then throw them both into the Mississippi River, if you do get caught.
