Friday, December 4, 2009

Playas De Florida SPANISH Proof Read SHORT Story.?

SPANISH Proof Read SHORT Story.? - playas de florida

Can anyone prove to read and corrections for this story?

- I'm learning at level 3 Spanish asustaba y. The story is not the best story, if your host to add, if desired. Thank you very much!

When I was eight years old, I was in a hotel. The hotel was great. My family and I were in Florida. Mars was beautiful, the water was very hot. People relax on the beach. It was hot.

We wore our bathing suits. They were preparing to enter the waters. My sister and I went into the water. It was fun.

We have seen the sea ... ... When we saw a shark! The shark was large. we were at sea, and yes there were others. When they saw the shark swimming. Everybody screamed! Cried my sister and then I started to cry. The Coast Guard immediately ran towards the sea to help people. Everyone said, "keep calm". I used to panic.

I tried to find my parents, for example,ro here. do not know what to do. We stay away from the water. I had lost and afraid. Finally they found us. They were concerned that he has failed.

First, they focused on sharks. I caught the shark in red. Then, in a boat, took the shark to the ocean. He was released when the shark, the network broke down. The shark escaped.

When everyone had left the sea, nor can do more.

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